Creating Positive First Impressions For Patients

Research studies and polls consistently show that people often go with their gut instinct and rely on their first impressions. This is true for everything from meeting new people to choosing a dental practice.

How to create a good first impression


There are many ways you can create a good first impression, especially now that there are so many ways to promote your business and communicate with potential clients. From the first time they look at the website to the first time they walk into your surgery, it’s important to focus on the details and try to create a positive gut reaction.

In terms of the website, people like to look at sites which are visually attractive, interesting and easy to navigate. Many people are put off by realms of text and most people prefer to look at pictures and photographs, especially when it comes to describing how effective a treatment is, for example. You can post before and after images, which will be much more effective than trying to describe how much better a person’s smile looks after they have a certain treatment.

Your practice

The look of your practice is very important so make sure it looks clean, welcoming and attractive. Many people feel nervous about going to the dentists so try and ensure your practice has a relaxing and warm atmosphere and if you have the funds available, try to provide patients with ways to keep themselves entertained, such as magazines, access to the internet, music and televisions. Try to ensure the surgery looks clean and fresh and make sure it smells nice.

The first point of contact in most practices is the receptionist and their behaviour can influence people’s perspective. A warm, friendly receptionist who looks professional will create a much better impression than one who seems distant and unhelpful and looks messy. Responding to patient enquiries swiftly and over the phone is another important feature all dental practices should operate.


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