Dental Practice Office Display

Most people overlook the importance of the displays and signs around the dental practice but using glossy, professional signs and providing an informative display are effective ways of marketing and promoting your business.

What should the office display contain?

The office display is a great way to advertise your services and treatments, entice clients with promotional offers and incentives and introduce potential clients to the staff.

Your display can provide information about specific treatments, outline how they work and show the results; you can use images to demonstrate how effective the treatments are and give an idea of price and treatment time. The display will be particularly beneficial for new treatments, as many people may be unaware of the treatment.

The display is also a great way of catching people’s eye as they come in and out of the surgery. You can promote your business by outlining special offers, discounts and incentives on the display.

Your display can also be a great way of introducing people to members of the staff; photographs of the dental team and short paragraphs giving a bit of information about them will help to make clients feel welcome and familiar with the practice.


The signs, both inside and outside the practice, can play an important role in creating a good impression. If your signs look shabby and tired, the chances are that clients will be put off and will instead feel more inclined to go for a surgery which has modern, professional looking signs.

Try to make sure the signs outside the practice are eye-catching to make your practice stand out. Inside, posters are a great way of promoting your business, so try to make them look professional and include important information and relevant images. Make sure your posters are easily visible.

Things to consider

When planning the display and signs for your dental practice you need to consider the design, style and content, as well as national and local regulations, which may affect what you can and cannot include on your sign and where you can put your sign. It is worth spending money pn your signs, as they can be an effective marketing ploy, so choose a company with a good reputation and knowledge of current regulations.

Try to ensure that your signs are eye-catching, interesting and located in places where a large number of people will be able to see them.


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