Television Advertising For Dentists

Television is the most popular media outlet; the vast majority of people in the UK own at least one television set and the average person spends three hours and 45 minutes watching television each day.

Why is television advertising advantageous?

Television is the ultimate advertising medium for businesses. Audiences are huge so exposure to the advert is much larger than radio or print advertising. Television advertising also allows dental practices to promote treatments by showing picture galleries, providing plenty of information and highlighting special treatments or services, which will make your practice stand out from all the others.

Most people react positively to visual stimulation and the quality of graphics and the growing popularity of HD mean that images look exceptional. This provides a perfect platform for advertising your treatments, as the results will look very attractive on screen; this is particularly beneficial for cosmetic dental treatments. You can also back the images up with sound, text and motion.

Making your advert effective

In order to make your advert effective as a marketing tool, it is important to consider the content very carefully. Make sure your advert is visually pleasing, informative and interesting. Provide all the information your potential clients need and include ways of contacting the practice and finding out more about the services on offer. Advertise the website address and include a telephone number. Make sure you include details of any special offers or incentives and emphasise treatments or services which make your practice stand out. For example, if you offer special cosmetic treatments, tailor-made packages or payment plans.

Make sure your advert is relevant to your target market. Tailor the advert to suit the market and highlight features and services which will entice them. For example, younger clients are more likely to be interested in teeth whitening treatments than dentures.

Things to consider

Aside from the content of your advert, you also need to consider when and where your advert will play. This may depend on your budget as certain channels and time slots will be much more expensive than others. Try to choose a channel and a time slot that caters for your target market. Try to advertise in the breaks of programmes that are aimed at your target market and at times when more people watch the television; peak viewing hours are usually in the evening. It may also be best to choose to advertise your product on regional television programmes to drive potential clients from your local area to your practice.

The introduction of satellite television has made television advertising more accessible for smaller businesses; if you have an independent practice, you may wish to spend time researching local television channels, as well as national channels.


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