Google Adwords & Organic Optimisation

What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is an advertising service offered by Google: you can design an advert, choose your key words and then the advert will appear on Google when people conduct online searches using relevant key words. You can choose how much you spend on your advert and control your daily budget so the service is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Another bonus is that you are only charged when somebody clicks on your advert and not when your advert appears on the site.

What is organic optimisation?

Organic optimisation is search engine optimisation that does not involve paying for your place at the top of the search engine results. Organic optimisation allows you to spend your money on other aspects of the business, rather than shelling out for SEO. Google has a good reputation for championing manual or organic SEO and returns results based on the content of web pages and the categories listed by the site administrator. This ensures consumers get the most relevant set of search results for their individual search, rather than getting a lot based on which companies have paid for their position.

Why are Google Adwords and organic SEO important for dentists?

Dentistry is becoming increasingly competitive and it is therefore important to try many different marketing methods to attract new clients. Most people use the internet on a daily basis and research shows that the majority of people are now using the internet as a means of finding a dentist, rather than using telephone directories like they used to.

Most dentists have a website but there is no point in having a brilliant site if nobody is going to see it. Consequently, it’s important to promote your website and make sure plenty of people see it. Search engine optimisation allows you to ensure that your website pops up towards the top of search results when a consumer uses a search engine to look for something. If your site is located at the top of the search results list, people are more likely to click on the link and visit your site. Google Adwords is a really effective service, which you only have to pay for when somebody clicks on your advert. The advert will pop up when a consumer enters a search which contains relevant key words; the consumer can then click on the link and go straight to your web page.


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