Print Advertising For Dentists

Print is one of the oldest forms of marketing, yet it remains an effective means of promoting businesses and enticing new clients.

What are the advantages of print media for dental marketing?

Print media has many advantages: firstly, circulation numbers are still high despite the growing popularity of the internet and millions of people buy and read a newspaper or magazine every day.

Adverts in magazines and newspapers are often much cheaper than those on television and you can pack a lot of information into one advert.

Another advantage of print media is that adverts can be printed in different language publications; this is definitely advantageous, as we live in an increasingly multicultural society where a variety of different languages are spoken.

Things to consider

When you are thinking about using newspapers and magazines to promote your business you need to choose which publications you advertise in very carefully. Compare the circulation and subscription numbers and choose a publication which suits your target market. You also need to think about whether you want to use local or national publications, or indeed both; local adverts are usually cheaper but national publications tend to have a higher circulation and will therefore reach more people. If you have a chain of dental practices, it may be beneficial to go for a national publication, while a local paper or magazine may be better for independent practices looking to attract local people.

Newspapers are a very effective means of advertising but the quality of the colour in the pictures is poor and you should take this into consideration when you are planning the contents of your advert.

If you are located in a cosmopolitan, affluent or urban area, placing an advertisement in a regional glossy magazine will probably be very effective. This will mark your practice out as a contemporary, exclusive business and enable you to show off your services in the best possible way – the glossy pages will do your work justice and make the results look impressive.

Making your advert stand out

We live in a society where everything is designed to be visually pleasing and attractive. As a consequence, it is important to make your advert appealing to consumers. Make sure your advert contains important information about the services on offer, include the location of the surgery and the contact details and highlight any offers or incentives designed to attract new clients, for example, a free consultation.


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