Dental Practice Photography

Most people are enticed by glossy looking images and aesthetically pleasing photographs, so the photos you put up on your website and in leaflets, brochures and displays are extremely important.

Why is photography important?

Photography is really important because it can make the difference between a client choosing your practice or choosing a different practice. We live in an increasingly visually orientated world and we are becoming accustomed to seeing high definition images and digitally enhanced, airbrushed photographs, so it is important for dental businesses to keep up with modern photography trends and show the results of their treatment in the best possible light.

Cosmetic dental treatments are becoming increasingly popular and photography is a great way to promote the treatments. People will be much more impressed by before and after images than a block of text talking about the incredible results a treatment can produce. Images are particularly important for treatments such as teeth whitening, veneers and orthodontic treatments.

Things to consider

The most important things to consider when using photographs in your promotional material are the quality of the image and the focus of the picture; make sure the pictures are relevant and clear. A picture should not require a long explanation next to it and it should show off what your practice can offer clients. You need to choose a picture that backs up what you are saying; for example, if you are talking about how amazing a whitening treatment is, make sure you back it up by including a photograph which shows an effective and impressive transformation.

Make sure you use sophisticated technology to produce the best possible quality images; there is no point in putting blurred and out of focus photographs. It is worth paying for a professional service to ensure your images are optimum quality, as this will help to promote your business and attract new clients.

Photographing the practice

When trying to promote your business it’s important to show your practice off in its best light and include photographs that correspond to what clients want to know about the surgery; for example, go for images of the reception area and treatment room.

Using photographs on the website

Websites with images are much more pleasing to clients than those with lengthy passages of text so try to intersperse text with images and use photographs to demonstrate which services and treatments you can offer. Images make websites more attractive and accessible and a good quality photograph could be a deal-breaker when it comes to clients choosing a practice or choosing to go ahead with a treatment.


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